Let's do it.

Let's do it.
A resource for creating transformative citizens

Sunday 3 November 2013

New links added

November 3 2013
I have just added 40 new links to the sidebar this morning. I took these from the list I have for my class and I have included only the English links. When I get time I will add more from my list, but for now if you see sites that raise alarms, let me know why, and I will either remove them, or engage in a discussion over why they are there.

For the moment we have decided to keep this site alive until we can figure out how MCIC would like to proceed with their Take Action site.

I would love and appreciate any feedback you might have. If you have found the perfect webpage for your course, send me a link and I will add it.

For teachers who teach in French in the Immersion Programme, you probably have run into the same problem I have - many more sites in English than French - students gravitate towards the site that is easiest - yada yada yada. I hear your frustration.

My students have been using this site, and mine, for the past while for their inquiry projects and the feedback on the way Gareth and Project Peacemakers set up the side bar has been very positive. Kids like to have some guidance. I am hoping that as we pool our resources together the list might become even more helpful.

If the layout becomes too onerous for the eye, I may change to another platform or have drag downs, but for now, VoilĂ .

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